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Post-Acute Care Transfer Revenue Recovery

Comprehensive Reimbursement, Inc. (CRI) provides a proven methodology for identifying patients transferred to post-acute care where Medicare payment may be less than what your hospital was entitled to receive. With the experience and technical resources to provide hospitals with the assurance that the recovery effort is appropriate, CRI's approach allows for a comprehensive review with minimum impact on your operations.

Data Needs

    The data needs listing is often fulfilled by using data already provided to CRI during other projects which limits the use of internal resources.

Increased Reimbursement

    The Transfer DRG analysis identifies additional revenue that is hidden in reduced Medicare payments. The analysis should be completed by all IPPS hospitals to ensure proper payment from Medicare.

Additional Services

    CRI will conduct all post-acute care research, as well as, rebill all approved accounts on behalf of the hospital to ensure maximum reimbursement and billing compliance is achieved.